Sunday, January 30, 2011

ATtention seeker


this is my first encounter of writing a blog, so i thought to just brush up some things which this days i am going through.we meet many to them.... but we never enjoy meeting all of them..some we meet just for sake of meeting,with some we talk,just because not being on talking terms with them..may turn out bad for us.but in real sense then with whom we talk or meet willingly without any prior thought..??


answer to my above posed question is "FRIENDS".... (caring enemies).. we really enjoy talking to them... sharing all the minute details of our activities..but again here the issue is not what we actually think... many times we just try to get our self pampered by others;does that means we are attention seeker...???
because in my opinion the answer to this is not yet defined ...still working on this subject.. will try on sum up this in my upcoming blogs

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