Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I am scared...

I am scared because
The things which I should tell her;
May just be revealed by another bear,
The way I wanted to feel those words,
May be now just haunted and termed as dead
It’s a not a long time
when things use to work wonders
And now it’s actually making me ponder.

Dreams, ambitions are now altogether lined up with me,
But I also do not want her to go as she is my only honey
associated with word ‘bee’.
Time is very cruel,
And I hardly know will I be able to say you anything,
My fingers are already crossed-
that it does not forces to part our wings.

I may not know,
what is meant to feel from within?
But I know it is satirical pin’
Twinkling stars are following this_
Crescent moon is having close look on this particular fish.

We do not know any one right from birth,
But that’s also the way we keep on our search.
When, now I think I have found my angel;
Then why should I let her go and end up in wrangle.

I am scared because
I am somewhere over taken by my thoughts
I am badly kept worried also on
rough pair of shoes I bought
But still over and above this tales
There’s something which can convert my face into pale-

I am not even confirming that
whether even I will have you or not
But whatever it will be
I am happy with this simple kind of knot

Why we cannot be like this always?
Why cannot time get frozen like snowy bay?

My table, my chair and my page have always helped me
to fill up the blank page
But without you in centre
It’s just like
“A rail which is frail”

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