Saturday, August 06, 2011

A wood to woods

Its said when you start walking its only you......
and when you are involve in your work with pure dedication people start following yoU...

here's a  poetic tale how a tree actually got converted into forest

I was standing firm on ground

Though things were forcing me to get uproot and drown

My idea was not to give up my way
My strength was to stand and save

The roots were deeper and very strong
But the situations every time tested to prove it falsely wrong

Today I am out of many
But earlier I was just one on this sandy

Aim big and target the sky
Do not be just a rig and satisfy with a buy

Dream of life is just always live
Beam of light will always make you smile

The support of yours is only you
The strength of yours is only you

The slow and gradual storm cannot fear me up
As I want to handle the cyclone and cheer with buzz

My life is not just a story anymore
It’s more a glory of the shore

I not have a edge over the  humbleness word
As I also do not get drench
With worse situations known as bad curd

The life has a reason to give us everything
The cliff has reason
That we climb for it though not having wings

Success has its own facets
And that we have to our self taste

Come live, become live
And sing with me
Because though once I was just a wood
Today I stand with woods

I fought and conquered is not the case here
I fought and won is the race to cheer

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