Monday, March 25, 2013

May be, I am not saying

Mind is busy in thinking ifs and buts,
But heart is still supporting the unknown thrill,
Agreed that I am not deserving candidate,
But why is that I can’t even  take courage to get  myself nominate.

She is aware about everything,
she knows that what this bee can sing,
When I am not sure about content of my mind,
She comes in like peace which settles the disturbing grind,

I now don’t have courage to say her anything,
Apart from abnormal  and some already aware things,
I can’t take a step ahead and hold her hand,
I can’t preserve a word and express her in moon covered sand,

May be its like I am thinking so much again,
May be I am just looking at one side of bay,
She has already made clear that distance is only real,
She has already made it clear that for her it’s just compulsory grill,
But still I am not ready to accept that things between us can never  be like a destined flask.

When moon will come,
I can’t have her to witness the stars,
When sun will glow,
I can’t have her to witness the dancing  and flying  bees,
What  journey it is for boat who hardly knows the waves,
But still had already decided that whatever happens,
It will never leave watery reins..

Just memoir of her brings lasting smile on face,
just her belief on me makes me with any race,
Have fought with her in recent past,
But that’s was not to hurt her in any cart,
I am little scared if she understood anything,
As though I want to say all,
I don’t want to reveal anything,

I am not saying things which she does not want to hear,
I am just looking at many things which she has created for me to cheer.

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