Silence was the cloth which she always wore,
Serenity was covered always around her,
She always was light for my eyes,
She always added the shade of colour to rainbow which I saw,
Nothing has changed so much with time,
Only thing to realize was that now we may not see together any sunshine.
It all started way back ,when we use to sit on wooden benches,
At that time apart from name we didn’t know anything and it was bit of knowledge like trenches.
Even today I am ‘Stranger’ for her, she said,
Even today she fears from me, she said,
I cannot express how much happy I am to talk with her after ages,
I cannot impress her with my affection as I am speechless right now like old sages.
The smile she carries with her has captivated my soul now,
The impact which she has on me has already centered my show,
She is more than the word beautiful,
She is more than the word bountiful.
Can I go all crazy and express her that yes I am on my knees for her,
Can I go all lazy and let my silence take me towards her,
She is amazing and that is real truth,
She is fascinating and that’s what I proudly loathe.
Now while reading this she may get red angry on me,
But risk of life is time which will never return.
Don’t hate me after reading this dear,
As written all above is hard core truth.
My silent girl whose silence speaks a lot,
My silent girl with whom I wish to sail my boat.
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