Sunday, February 21, 2016

I am late

I was waiting for her under open sky,
Sun was dancing over my head like it has to shower all the heat filled in its flask.

I was waiting for my girl to come,
I was waiting for her to get rid of hot showering sun,
She was on her way I guess,
She was busy in deciding whether to participate or not in this race.

Suddenly the moment came and we finally met,
She was not in red and blue as I wished,
But she came which was fulfilment of my complete wish list.

Love mixed with respect was feeling which I have for her,
And under that very note the dialogue between us began,
She kept on saying many things,
I also served duty of patient listener,
But in the midst of the conversation,
I was somewhere lost in her beauty,
Beauty which she carried in form of confidence and self belief.

Also the smile which she had made me go crazy,
I thought to hold her hands for a while,
But then thought this will send me to an exile,
I thought to capture the moment with a click,
But realized if I asked for this she will give me a kick,

I wanted to reveal my love for her,
But was not ready to obstruct my feelings which was at that time like sky flying bird.

Before I could tell her anything in the manner thought,
I was told only three words “I am late”.
Love is not merely a word to tell; my love,
It’s a time proven tool,
I want to prove this word with passing time.

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