Sunday, April 24, 2016

Belief I have in her

Image result for boy and girl cartoon love drawing

After whole day’s scorching heat,
Moon comes and settles down the temperature,
This is the mere belief of sun in moon,
That while performing its duties,
Any damage done will be addressed by moon.

For me she is my moon,
Someone, who I can rely on when every other way is banished,
Even today her simple smile can do wonders to me,
A ray of light can win over darkness,
Similarly her presence in my life,
Has added tone of affirmativeness in my life.

The power which can help an individual to perform is the real divine aid,
And in my story her charm is that divine aid.
That bountiful soul who has changed my life,
This poem is all about her and my belief in her,

I want to decorate this with every possible word,
I can use to appreciate that divine aid,
Which has kept me in life, always ahead.

My only friend who has made sure that she remains friend only,
(Witty note)
This treasure of words is for her.
But I have made sure that this belief of mine in her,
Envisages my love for her in true sense.

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