Sunday, April 17, 2016


White lilies are decorated on the green tree,
Green leaves were beautifying the brown sturdy trunk,
The rusted light pole was completely painted with the dust,
Adorably captive breeze was dancing over the green meadows,
Amidst all these natural magical spell,
You are the only source of energy I have which keeps me going every day,
You are the only person who makes me sense the aura of romance every day.

How not to be possessive about you then tell me,
Why not to be protective about you then tell me,
There are no specific answers to my above statements I believe,
As everything gets standstill in front of my love for you.

Why you always have to escape from me,
Don’t you know that every day,
I think and think just about you.
Why every time, every day and every moment,
I have to time and again prove it to you,
That it’s you who gives me direction to move ahead in life.

The problem is that I don’t know how to express you my love,
On your birthdays I want to be additional reason for your happiness,
When you are sad I want to be consoling smile on your face.

Don’t allow me to love you,
But at least allow my love to be with you.
What pain I have gained from the distance you have maintained,
Only I know.

Such is the state of mine that,
Neither I can reveal nor I can hide my feelings for you.
My everyday starts with you,
My everyday ends with you.

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