Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Dominating petrol price

        Seasons also take time to change but when it comes to petrol price well it hardly takes a fraction of second to change and always whenever it changes the change is on higher side having an increasing trend. Now when again Indians are going to be host of the guest named “price hike in petrol” what this devil guest will add to the already inflated economy of India. Horrified emotions are now only going to be under the mask of smile which human residing in India will have to keep as they are host where this devil guest will be entertained. A lay man earning his bread on daily basis may not understand the highly sensitive terms of economics but let’s not even forget that when a virus enters a computer even a smallest file saved in the computer gets damaged because of its effect and now with again addition of ladders on already lofty staircase of price the situations will get more ambiguous. Where and how to control this is a burning question which our so brave government is not able to understand but here what’s so dreadful is “knowing that our house will be on fire, still when it actually starts burning we like to blame outside factors for it”. Indian government is so solid that’s what is to be understood by this rather it is so courageous that it never has any proactive plans regarding any such “fire”.

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