Sunday, June 08, 2014

Crazy winds

Sky is my shelter and wind is my companion,
Both are with me wherever I go,
I am with them whenever they flow,
I am sitting in dark light with stars twinkling,
And just wondering how I will sing song for my beloved without her sight.

I become crazy when I am lost in her thoughts,
And then winds come and give me awakening knock,
My life is coloured with her image for now,
And I don’t want anything to distract our show.

She is hardly aware what I am singing for her,
But life is all set having some beautiful verse,
My eyes are glued on her though she is not right in front of me,
My mind is chasing her shadow inspite of her being, without me also fine,
Don’t know what else to tell you vampi,
Even today I just tune you when it comes to rhyme songs in hindi.
Things are already change dear and I am aware of that fact,
But whatsoever happens baby I won’t act,

Crazy winds are by my side
And our journey will be always accompanied by their ride.

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