Sunday, February 01, 2015

Confirm it with a ‘Yes’

Waiting for your answer now has made me wonder,
What is that very thing which is keeping you busy and occupied in zone of ponder,
I have not said anything alien I guess,
I just spoke my heart out and leaving everything at rest.

Every word I said to you was uttered from blood pumping machine,
And nothing came just like that and occupy the land of serene,
I am not complicating the show now by obstructing the river’s flow,
Standing under open sky,
I could empathize how lonely sky feels without stars,
I am the same whose incomplete without you.

Love needs to be proven,
And just not communicated,
Moving clock will be required for delivering the results estimated,
I am waiting and I will wait,
Just because I know destiny has planned something for us.

Hopeful I am that I will be heard by almighty,
That with all I have,
I deserve a confirmation with a ‘Yes’.

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