Wednesday, October 02, 2019

The word: SOULMATE

Image result for Soulmate cartoon

After longtime when was positioned in front of blank word sheet,
My  ink filled pen was back at work with its fleet,
Figuring out what can be  best to plot on this sheet,
My mind and heart both were ready function jointly and sync.

The captioned subject SOULMATE is known and understood by everyone in general,
But for me I understand its depth everyday through various actions of her that are either verbal or nonverbal.

She who wakes up early than me just to assure that I get going; defines SOULMATE,
She who cooks the food that I like adds more charm to word SOULMATE,
I know this all is very common and likewise general as well,
But for me when I read captioned word this heart touching things only dwell.

Merely by addressing someone by some specific word the feelings cannot be understood,
But when actions are also aligned with it ,sweetness increases in the curd.

I know big reason for this topic is that I am already missing her now,
And the decorative lights placed just outside the window are witness in this show.