Monday, December 16, 2013

" I "

I am not too small now to understand what way things are right now,
I am not too big even to come ahead and provide that shelter to show,
I have just been made aware of battle field,
where I am suppose to fight hard and be firm for long,
That’s also not an excuse to move out of the ship which is now on shaky roar,

I want to come ahead and do something which can ring bells of happiness,
I want to bring that shine which can add to our fun,
This is difficult for me and I am completely in sync with that knowledge,
But how can I quit from this so selfishly,
I am not weak who will not be able to fight it out,
I am not empty tree whose roots are lose to sing song of cry,

Sitting on comfortable chair when I am see the white sheet,
I wonder will these words be in any position to provide me supportive greet,
I am scared of things which right now are not in my control,
And this fear now has to be used a weapon to sight some new hope,
Highlighting this ”I” is actually important for me today,
As I want to fight it out in my own way.

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