Sunday, December 15, 2013

Feel wings: Feelings

Its altogether a magic which I am not aware till now,
Its an ever lasting charm which works as attraction in my show,
You don’t know it and I am flying in the sky with you,
You don’t even mean anything and I am understanding you,
Was any beloved in past loved this much as I love you,
Was any Juliet having romeo in past like you have me,

I am so much attached to you that,
Nothing else plays my mind,
I am so much fond of you,
That my life revolves around the fact that I have met you,
With reason , and I want to define that reason as love,
Within season, and I want to feel it as season of love,
You have already closed windows of your room,
But I am still standing below that balcony,
Just with a hope that,
One day wind will be in my favour,
And they will request the windows to open up,
Nothing more I demand from you,
Just be happy in whatever way you can,
But if you are my mere reason of happiness
Please on that mere fact don’t treat me as criminal

The saga is already drafted by destiny,
And now I am only character which is actually funny,
But who told that life ends on being alone,
As you are always there with me,
In form of wings,
And that’s my treasure called ‘feelings’
Which no one can take away from me.

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