Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar

It all starts with “Sachin…Sachin…!!” and I don’t  believe it will any ways end even after the master has already waved bye to the game which he not only played but I would say lived and has passion for right from his childhood. When any journey ends it always has lot of stories which have accompanied in the actual transit so is the case with god of cricket. Even one who  has no liking for the game or has no soft corner for the thrill involved in the game didn’t readily accepted the fact that now blue colour jersey will not have player with number 10.The game would have been of just three days but actually it proved out to be the most memorable and history creating days which have now been inked in the golden colour as it witness the master, for the last time directing the ball with his willow to all the directions of the wankhede park.
How time travesl has been very well known to all of us , but this man has actually seen some really tough times which he fought out and stand stood to first over come and then convert them into favourable ones. “When an individual fights hard for something and when he gets success in that , it becomes more important that then he continues exceeding his own set limits”, same was the page with him, he has very well understood this and did all this 24 long years in his own trademark way.
The person whose life has been all about running hard on 22 yards, has not only been fascinating but it has also been about that down to earth feeling which this person has showcased day in and out. Fame has always been the factor which adds wings to even ant but different was the case with god of cricket , he with every passing day understood that he is now more responsible and even a small error of margin will not be accepted, it was his own benchmark which he set for himself and nobody else.

Word by word I am getting more closer to feel his absence in the game, and this will only make this emotional wave more strong which is currently going though whole nation. I want to get little selfish over here and want my hero to continue playing for few more years but I know when he has taken a call it would be after reasonable thought process .I don’t want to end this , I want to continue like I always “Sachin…. Sachin….!!”

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