Saturday, November 16, 2013

Being abnormal

These days when I don’t have anything to heartily ponder,
These days when I am just busy in drawing some upward moving ladder,

Still after whole day’s workaholic schedule
I get a instant smile on my face,
I ask my self why I am smiling so much,
Why I am so involved in you when you have already moved me aside like dust,
Then after rigorous thought process one day I understood,
That ‘moving on’ is just a phrase ;
actually I have stationed myself over there only in so called maze.

I am abnormal because I don’t want to believe,
Few time and again proved things,
I am abnormal because I am stagnant,
Like water who does not wants to move,
As it has your reflection floating on it,
I am abnormal who actually fears to be normal.

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