Thursday, January 22, 2015

She knows

When rain falls in winter its unusual,
If snowfall is to be expected in summer it will be sheer refusal,
She knows all this,
As she is smart to pillar the rationale behind this quiz,
Then why she is not able to understand that,
My life needs to be navigated by her beautiful compass,
My life will not enter any gate if she is not my gate pass.

I am not her types, If I say this I am not wrong,
But I will always bring the very smile on her face,
When sun is dull or overshadowed by dark clouds in the coming time or any relevant race,
My love for her is not just like short lived roller coaster ride,
But my love for her is just like long lived oak tree prospering in the green country side.

Vampi knows everything but still she does not knows this film,
I will walk with her till the last walkable destination,
I will talk with her till the last word I can utter with proper dictation,
Time has tested us now,
And because of you we also have won the show,
All facts and figures are ready for your reference,
You just need to come and understand,
As presented above in my alphabetical guidance.

Even today I am there only where we last segregated,
You don’t need to come back in time,
Because I will come ahead,
As now I will not allow my light of togetherness to get fade.

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