Saturday, June 18, 2016

Our Story

You might have removed me from the blue colour platform,
But even today I wait for your reply,
You might have taken a decision of distance,
But I am still finding ways to reach you,
This voyage of mine is not for this birth now,
But I am making efforts for coming show.

Every day when I wake up for fabulous day,
Trust me thinking about you is how I start my art of artistic clay.
You are still an inspiration for me,
You are still my first love after green tea.

People on this earth may not be the chapters which I want to read,
But writing about you is my need.

Feelings are not easy to hide,
As only one who experiences it can enjoy this roller coaster ride.

Who says love is to live together,
My friend love is all about to live for her,
She who has made me ‘Poet',
She is also one who can complete me for ‘Duet’.

Will I be able to convey my this message to her,
That whatever has happen I live and love only her.

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