Monday, August 15, 2016

She said 'Move on'

Image result for boy and girl black and white

Today morning was the best morning in my life,
Nothing new happen as such today I can say,
But still something happen so special that it has left my face ignited with smile since then.

I received a  call from my friend,
A friend who is special by all means,
A friend who has majority of stake in that three angled storey within my body,
A friend who could have been more than that but life restricted our relation to friend only.
She, who is my friend is so special to me that I can keep humming song of praise for her,
She who was on other side of call is so unique:
That even seven wonders of world stand no near to her.

You can term her my love of life,
But I can’t now.
You can term her beats of my heart,
But I can’t now

Conversation lasted for few minutes,
Time was never an issue as such,
I prayed god that that I just need one day to open my heart for her before this day,
And there was climax of my show,
How can I start something to end,
How can I move on to stop.

She said ‘Move on’,
Is it so easy to execute her words I pondered the whole day.

Eyes were serving like check dam controlling the water,
Lips were zipped up in spite of situation required something silly to handle the emotional pressure.

Earlier I would have never ever thought to do this,
But now as you have said will have to do it.

The meaning of love is not understood to me till now,
But if your happiness lies in my exit from the show,
Will not leave any stone unturned to finish it early,
And stand tall claiming first in the row.

Can’t write further from here as,
Pain is decoded in form of rain,
And rain is this time not flowing from clouds but eyes,
But I will try to ‘Move on’.

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