Wednesday, October 31, 2012

15 Marks: Pre-requisite for survival

       This is all is outcome of fear which many of us might be going through and will always be part of this never ending tale, here when I am talking about some measurable results of life where a particular target has to be achieved to be in the race of survival, this all sound gloomy at times as many of proved theories have never allowed any individual to completely believe in this battle for survival which is more of game but then again what makes this  important is how we perceive the things and how we take it into consideration, My intention to write about this fear is not just because that coming weeks I am going to be part of this battle as I myself will be appearing my exams where 15 will not be just number but more of deciding factor of how I will looked upon by my peers and my colleagues with whom I have now shared four walls of class room for almost 500 days. Is it so important to prove our self just on mere basis of numbers and then gloat on it as if we have achieved something which is so amazing that now whole world is our kingdom and we are the kings/queens of it, rather I will just highlight it as overcoming of fear which we otherwise just wanted to handle and manage and once we are done with it, we get relaxed and that’s what allows us to shift our gears little slower and take a breather. What next will be followed is some more bigger fears and again we will just work to cross that line which will allows us to be in our comfort zone and relax and again allow us to be lethargic and dumb for reasonable time. We are idiots and that’s what majority of us never agree we are so tempted to be in safer place that we forget that on this earth there is no place which can be called safe. State of mind under which we always keep on running, is like a rat running on self moved circle where it hardly knows that however harder and faster it  runs it is just going nowhere.
        Every time I look at this “15 marks theory” I wonder why this makes me feel insecure why I am so eager to anyhow just cross a line and reach a zone that will not highlight me and keep  me under umbrella of protection, I am not here to seek protection from situations ,infact I am  suppose to fight them out, who knows that how things will be even after I am under that protection of  self claimed umbrella, it’s better that I make my own way and lead from front when it comes to fighting with powerful and unseen enemies. We humans are always fooled by numerical value we all want number in our favors and if they are not we work to get them in shape and fit it in such a way that allows us to  either be proud of what we have done or either be satisfied that we have differentiated our self from rest of folks. “Even colossi who fought at battlefields were defeated by just allowing them to ride on their own fake glory”. We intend to hear what we actually already know about ourself and that’s where we start decaying our own soul. Nothing can be proclaimed by anyone not even 15 marks for survival, I am not supporting that this is not right way of living but I just doubt is it the only way of living. Why we want to be in that old shoe which already has torn and worn out…change is painful and will always be but time has a role to play in it. I am not aware about how I will handle this “15 marks target”, even I know by the time people reading now also has same doubt but if at all I get defeated in it, I will not blame anything rather I am ready to take things head on, I don’t want to be rat of ancient times but just a rat who makes its own hole irrespective of fear which follows of anytime being eaten by powerful snake.


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