Thursday, March 21, 2013

From the gate of college

7:30 in the morning and I was at the gate,
Searching the class and finally looking at bench to sit with unknown but comfortable mate,
It was my first day at college and I did not know anyone over there,
It was my first day at college and I did not know anyone from the all visible face,
Slowly and gradually time passed and I got a chance to know few from the new state,
Slowly and gradually the classes geared up routine flow,
And I got close with few crew.

First few days were little lazy,
But soon it gathers charm and started to become perfect,
Still I always was busy in re-collecting my graduation days,
Still I was little defensive in looking at new ways.

But then was the charm of my friends at college,
Who came and became part of my new image,
I use to hang out with them for lunch at nearby canteen during breaks,
I use to move in and out with them during the abnormal breaks.

This all turned the overall dynamics and I became once again busy with my new but true ways,
Semester by semester the cumulative effect was getting compounded,
And that was just making our bond get half yearly compounded,
Who knew that this stupid idiots will be so important ,
that the very thought of leaving them will result in tear with a shock,

Today when we are on the threshold of entering into corporate life,
I still just want to snatch a second away and get back to my “Post-Graduation” life.

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