Monday, March 18, 2013

I still remember…

The tree which was always there to shed our conversations,
The tree which played vital role in our long lasting conversations..
I still remember that tree
But do you remember this bee?

I still remember,
The way we use to talk under scorching sun,
I still remember the way we use to talk about anything and have fun,

The gadget named mobile played important role in it,
It added the charm and converted it into classical hit,
I still remember that tree,
But do you remember this bee?

Commenting on politics and cricket,
Proving each other’s point without being wicked,
That all was so fun in the shadow of moon,
That all was so fun under guidance of bubbling moon,

The way you were always centre of my talks,
The clay that made only your favorite pots,
That all has now been stored in just memories,
But the question is till,
Do you remember this bee?

My life revolved around you
My boat use to just sailed when it had you in its arms
That all was because of your simple charm..

May be now you have got a commercial tree,
May be now you have no interest in hearty bee,
But still,
I still remember that tree,
But do you remember this bee?

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