Thursday, March 07, 2013

I miss her…

Time has traveled so fast
leaving behind memories to last

Who would have believed that things will change so drastically?
Who would have believed that things would change so early?

There were days when each and every aspect of life was in front of her
There were days when life was always more revolving around her

Today when she is not around it makes difference
Today when she is not around its tough to get inference

Relations are not glass window which is breakable with length of time,
They are cement walls which stays for a long time,
I could only say that she has made difference in life,
I could only say that she has created her unique presence.

When she was around it was not appreciated
And today when she is not near her memories break

The way we use to share our talks
The way we use to click the random folks
I only have box of memories of her now,
To cherish with
I only have bulk of few words for her,
To carry with

Time is moving fast and I have to adjust myself in it
But it’s a tough job
To do actually
As every story cornered is not mere myth.

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