Tuesday, March 26, 2013

She just said “No…!”

Whole night after visiting everything  from universe,
I came back on earth,
I was wondering what would be her reaction on,
On things which I will be nervous to ask on.

When I asked her to meet,
She said no…!
When I asked her to greet me,
she said no..!
When I requested her to be reason for my smile,
she said no..!
When I wanted to cover for her, miles,
she said no..!
She kept on saying no..!
On every occasion of my flop show

When I asked her to give me only chance,
she said that’s not available glance,
When I created jewels of words for her,
She just said it’s not that much worth..

She is already enjoying the fame and name
And I am just a moron who is hardly known by any one and is merely lame.

I  kept asking her in unique flow,
When she said she is not even looking for me,
I told her that’s my way to make her feel free,
I am not here to convince her forcibly,
And  design the answers as per my will,
As it’s all about the respect I have for her,

It’s not that I was not aware that she will answer no,
Its just that I wanted to feel the pain and receive the same in my show,

Shattered again on knowing that,
I am not the right one,
Broken in pain, but trying to enjoy sun,

For her it was nothing new,
as she had always seen this kind of crew
for me it was astonishingly new,
As I again forgot what I never knew.

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