Saturday, February 22, 2014

Still its you only…

Wavelenght of time has travelled across many diameters now,
My life has changed from tip to top,
Still whenever I close my eyes and get glimpse of desire,
Trust me even today its you only;
I don’t  know what spell of magic you have casted on me
That I am not able to get out of it,
I don’t know what it is all about that,
Still you are always found on my dream shore.
I am working out how to come out of your memories,
I am drawing a bold line between you and me,
No eraser is available to rub out what we had shared once,
And left just like balloon is left to burst,
Give me one reason to understand why its me everytime?

Who has to actually understand that you were just mean
Who came to my life just to ride out some time
Who made me pursue crime just to enjoy the screen shine

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