Sunday, February 23, 2014


Biradar this one is just for making sure that whatever is reality now and whatever happens some things dont change and will not even change in decades to come so why to force some unwanted thing and stay away from experience of happiness...Stories of recent past though have now moved fast but are still intact as they were

Whenever I sit on wooden desk placed in corner of my place,
Having ink and blank sheet by my reach,
I actually end up doing only one thing,
Trying my level best to anyhow accommodate you in my frame with me.

I believe that’s what being together means,
Whatsoever happens or however situations are;
I just want to overcome all the hurdles coming in my way,
And just put all my efforts to get you in my frame,
And get the pride and earn the self fame.

That’s all what’s in my mind for the time being,
Blue sky staring at me from window,
White clouds wondering about what I am doing,
Glass fitted window laughing at  my current clothing.

But rather than giving them any importance,
I am just busy in inking our saga of togetherness.

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