Sunday, April 20, 2014

Be my ink in our story..

Let the memories narrate our story to the world,
Let the time be the evidence of our favourite bud,
I don’t want to set example for coming generations to follow,
But I want to live present with you and make my life mellow.

Pages by pages as my life passes let you only be my subject,
Paragraph as and when progresses let you be its important project,
My idea is just to get best out of me having you by my side,
My simple wish is to have you in my coming camel ride.

Ink is very important for leaving impressions on blank pages,
And I just request you to be the one who helps me to free from cages,
Decision is all yours whether to allow or let things get swallowed.

Be my ink in our story,
And let my blink of yours be my self claimed glory.

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