Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Step Away…

Standing across the road,
Waiting for you just to escape  the life’s roar,
Not even knowing whether you will accompany me or not,
Not even able to believe that  life gets complete even with a single dot
Eyes are giving up that you will come and hold my hands,
Mind is already set to affix the visible gap.

Still this boneless heart is of belief ,
That whatsoever happens you will turn before tree sheds its last leaf,
Thousands of miles can make no difference between you and me,
As its just matter of step which we need to take to strengthen our grip.

Narrative stories don’t work in real world,
And this is known to even those breathing in hot sand,
Still my heart says you will come,
Still my heart waits for cyclone to get calm.

If this is what you always wanted,
Then here I am on my knees,
Speaking out my heart,
In the strong breeze.

If this is my test,
Which I have to pass,
I will score not less than first class.

However this all goes in vain,
As still you are “Step away” and not my real gain.

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