Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Those conversations..

Let it be day guided by sun,
Or night accompanied by stars,
Till I remember I never have seen hanging wall clock,
before I had to talk with you.

Discussing day today activities,
Or sharing some discrete opinions about various issues,
we had everything pillaring our conversations,
Your replies  still light up smile on my face,
Though between both of us time has won the race.

Its not that after that I have not made any conversations,
But conversing with you was like living my own passion,
I use to get mesmerise while just having you as my listener,
I even today cherish some moments emerged out of those alien translations.
So many things I can say when I recall those conversations,
I believe I get feel of your presence when I retrieve those conversations,
Reason for this is very simple zombie,
As for me those use to be not just mere lengthy talks,
But living moment with one who has guided me in my difficult walk.

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