Sunday, July 17, 2016

Is it wrong?

Is my love towards you wrong?
Or is my reason to live for you  wrong?
What has taken the front seat in your life now is good
But having you still as my lady love wrong?
All my questions are unanswered

Nothing can happen now,
You have already started enjoying different show,
Is it wrong to aspire about your love and come to your show to get seated in first row,
Only crime for which I am termed criminal can be,
That still I think and blink just for you and you,
Is it wrong?

I don’t understand this modern time love,
As  love should be tested and then only it should be accepted,
I am ready for all the test let it be theoretical or multiple choice oriented,
Is it wrong that I want to clear all examinations just and just for you
No idea you have that what there’s for you in my triangle shaped organ.

No monument I can make as of now,
As lot of time will be taken in that,
And I want to live with you,
And not show this world that I breathe for you.

This poem is also written for you
Am I wrong in writing it?
I just want to hear your voice
Is it wrong to have such kind of wish?
You also know this poet writes for you,
Is it wrong?

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