Saturday, August 06, 2016

First drop of rain

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Blue sky when get covered with black clouds,
It’s the same moment when my heart gets filled with your memoirs and then shouts.

I was waiting and waiting for sun to get over covered by water filled clouds,
I was actually wondering how will without rain sun shine stop the heat of that firing clown.

When water falls on the earth the thirst gets quenched of every particle of soil,
When water falls on the earth greenery of rainbow gets spread across,
Sitting by window when I got some drops showered upon me,
Its then I realised what it means to be wandering bee.

My love for you in similar way is showered in every poem I write,
My feelings for you are always prime when visualised I any beautiful sight.

Still it goes unnoticed by you,
Hardly it get any space in your breeze.

I wish rains with water carry my love for you with them,
So that where ever you are it reaches you through rains.

I know in spite of being distant you reading this,
And still you not allowing my love to reach you,
Don’t be so cruel to me my love,
As already your love has majority rule over me.

Is my wish to hear your voice so weird,
That you not even allowing your words to reach me due to worldly fear,
Right wrong I hardly care now,
You are only reason for light in my show.

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