Sunday, January 29, 2017

When heart gets confused

Image result for Confused love

Temperature is down and mild darkness has already started gaining dominance,
Three cornered twinkling light source are on their full swing to get the main presence in the ring,
And in all these , there’s a boy on this globe who is till entangled in your memories,
The moments lived with his girl are now recited by him in form of stories.

Situations are such now that neither I can love you as I want,
Nor I can forget you as the only word typed in the random font.

Even today When I enter into conversation with you, I always feel alive,
Or I should say I experience the goodness hidden in this otherwise so mundane life.

Your book has now no place for my chapter now,
But honey this bee’s book cover is vacant even today without your glow.

These midnight when my eyes are filled with sleep,
My hands are shivering in freezing cold,
My heart is just presented to you.

If at all your eyes fall on this,
My words will get back their soul.

I love you not because I want to live with you together,
I love you because I want; I and you to be called ‘WE’ together.

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