Friday, March 24, 2017

Why you left me alone

Image result for why you left me alone

The blue sky turned pale when you left me alone,
The green grass in the opposite meadow lost its charm, the day you left me alone,
So easily you told me that it’s better that we don’t talk now,
How will I now realise that life has still maximum love rows.

Why you did it this to me,
Why you broke my heart like clay brick.

Was not my love known to you,
Or is it for you like some random crew.

Agreed you may not love me back,
But tell me where my love had lack,
I love you and will always do,
But still you left me alone.

Every day it was you made my day,
Sun shine when accompanied by you only meant day to me,
Twinkling stars when had your glimpse that only added serenity to my nights.

Why you doing this to me,
Why you left me alone.

This question is not wrong by any means even you know this,
Then why you left me in such situation where I don’t have any answer to this.

Life is very cruel now I know
As anyone can leave you and go.

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