Monday, July 22, 2013

Traditional Indian way

       Since centuries we have been following this methodology and will follow it for coming few more decades from now I guess, and it also has its own charm and luster which this traditional Indian way carries on its shoulders, I am basically trying to add the much needed focus on tying knot of two unknown souls having burning fire as evidence, the Indian marriage system. When this moment comes in the life of any of the two genders i.e. Male or Female life actually takes sharp turn as no more story just remains single character then after as one more character gets by default added to our saga. I may certainly not be able to dig out the inner soil on this content but I am actually in complete position to have that micro view on this as history has proved that “ it’s not just difficult but next to impossible to understand this Indian traditional  marriage system”.

The main outline of this topic may just be that how can be it so simple to believe that finally we are all set to allow stranger to come and be one with us, rationally speaking there has to be some sort of ground root understanding to this but well, that’s indeed very tough route to continue. The main idea of inking this blog was to just understand that how well the things that we being on the other side of the table understand as two individuals who are on the opposite end of the table I mean moving in circular path along the fire are already aware about this and have no black or white doubts on it but people particularly who are not knowing anything about it are actually grey with full of doubts. Once we get clarity that yes finally we are all set to proceed further and be rest assured that selected companion will be the one with whom we will like to cover the upcoming journey till that time all this sounds little illogical to modern India and that’s where the tussle between modern versus traditional Indian way gets ignited. I am not against it but just want to hit the rough patch that’s somewhere or other raising my eye brows and asking some serious questions as to what should be the pillar of taking such a big call when even dollar prices in recent past we couldn’t get 1% right then how can we be so sure about such a mammoth decision which will eventually only affect our life may be if lucky in positive way or non-positive way.

I started writing this on weekend and now I will be completing it on weekday, the time gap between the start and finish is just few days but in this few days I may have cover vast distance when it comes to my thought process similarly when I link this similar calculations to the blog content again the same question comes to my mind that how can I be so sure that yes even after forty years from now I will be able to accept my decision in full happiness.

Before I am get more curious to put full stop on this I may like to add some more fuel to my word filled locomotive which will make my point very clear , when things are so demanding and challenging why not to understand few things from different angles as I might just have presented it in what way I understood it but may be you(reader) may have many valid points to counter so please don’t wait and hit them in comment section.

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