Saturday, December 20, 2014

Manipulative thoughts

While Passing through chilly winds that night,
I thought how can life be so indefinite and short,
When I have time to cherish and enjoy the seconds,
Why my calculative mind is lost in hourly thoughts.

Since last few days I am busy in understanding deep waves,
Which are not allowing me to come out of my ownself made cave.

Walking was my sole decision,
Then why now I am not able to believe in destiny that has already selected me for a win,
Every now and then  loosing way is not accepted,
As firmness in terms of determination is already manifested.

Nothing will happen overnight,
As time has always role to play when it comes to achieving new heights.

If not today may be tomorrow it will be,
But ‘one fine day’ definitely,
My wings make me feel like bee.

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