Sunday, December 21, 2014

This is How I said

It was dark night having only moon as prime source of light,
Only accompanied by twinkling stars,
There was I was standing near rough pebbles lying near river shore,
Having hands full of roses,
When moment came to reduce distance and become close,
I was standing in front of her,
Not knowing what to speak;
How to address the situation
I have waited for decades for this,
But time has offered me the movement now.

She was like wise far away from me,
Standing on the opposite end of river,
Looking at me through available moon light with storm,
As to how will I deliver,
Her visualization towards me
Implied that even her heart beats for me,
But wants me to raise the curtains  of the love filled show,
She wanted me to perform like this is my best
Which will be cherished by me,
Till I breathe my last and rest.
Her eyes were demanding me to speak out my heart,
Her firm hands were directing me to enjoy all fresh roses and enjoy nature’s art.
Initially I was not having any clue as to how to start,
But then I gather all courage I could,
And started to embarked the journey of lovely woods.

I always wanted to tell her,
The love saga I have pre-drafted for her,
And that day I got the chance to showcase
My love decorated like potter ornaments clay.

Life has to be lived once,
And I want to live it with you,
I said her.

Life has given once chance to love someone,
And I want that one to be you,
I said her.
Time and again, I will prove my depth of love towards you,
Highest of care will be showered by me,
With lovely reference towards my love for you,
I said her.
She will feel all comfort in my arms,
When seasons turn dark and showers blue,
She will feel warmth of my love,
When seasons turns pale and shivers unlike may,
I said her.

I went on my knees,
When I proposed her with my love,
While she was standing at the other end of river,
But still the confirming the acceptance,
And allowing love to fly free in the silent sky.

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