Saturday, March 11, 2017

Incomplete Poem

Image result for feather pen and paper

She said me one day ‘You don’t seem serious about me’,
As it hardly sounds that you want to marry me,
When this dialogue happened between us,
I was just trying to understand what she actually meant by this,
Is my love towards her that feeble that it can’t prove its stand on its own I thought.

She, whom I have loved whole heartedly is doubting me now,
Person who is the reason for ink’s flow is suspicious about my show.

One who can’t even understand my feelings why should I love her?
One who hardly carries my words to her hears why should I believe her?
Is it so simple to just say and then behave as if nothing has happened,
My dear friend, love is not game that ends like this,
Agreed for you it’s all about fair fame,
But in that process don’t address me as criminal in receiving claim.

The words that you speak makes a direct impact on my soul,
As is only you who plays; in my life; a vital role.

Your statement that day made me realised that for you I am no one,
I am not into any such activity where I want to pass time my friend,
As if such is the case this divine gift called love will end.

If my love is not understood to you, let me know,
As this seed will not be able to ;with our your love; grow.

Shattered is my heart into thousand pieces now,
Finally this poem stands incomplete and forces that seed of love to not grow.

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