Sunday, August 17, 2014

I don't want to go back

I don’t  want to go back,
I don’t have such a brave heart,
Which has very required fighting art,
I am not so strong ;
who in spite of being sad,
Can melodies fun song.

I am simple human;
who wants to have,
That comfortable hesitation of not going back.

This was the state of feeling,
Which I had while leaving my home,
I was almost in tears ,
And this water flowing from my eyes,
Also had mixture of fear.

I am not clear about definition of this fear,
But only thing I know I don’t want to go back.
In flash of second I could relate myself with soldier,
And it was then I realized my pain being nothing ,
As soldier always has to leave this home,
In order to serve his duty,
He never holds back pain of not being back at home,
And his is sheer sacrifice,
Where as mine is not even part of that dice.

Where destiny has planned something for me,
How can anything can comes in its way,
“I don’t want to go back” is what my heart says,
But mind knows “I will have to”.

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